Mojave Indians





Sam and Jane

Did you now houses in the desert had shade roofs? For cold weather the houses had walls standing with poles slanting from the ground. The houses were covered with grass and layers of mud. Would you want to live in that house?                                                            

Did you know that men and women of the Mojave tribe worked together to be farmers? They did not hunt very often. They grew their own food. They grew maze, melons, beans, pumpkins,seeds, and grasses. The Mojave used pulp to make flour which they would mix with water and make a cake. There are many interesting Mojave foods.                                                                 

Do you think it was hard to make transportation in the desert? It was hard to make a raft. But if they did they would have to gather a lot of logs. They would make canoes from huge logs then they would carve it so people could get inside it.                                   

Sami-Jo and Kent

I am going to tell you about the  Mohave and their eating habits. The Mohave Indians were farmers. They would grow beans, corn,melon, maize, pumpkins, and wild grasses. They
would take fruit from a cactus and make special cakes and a nice sweet drink out of it. And the ears of corn? They would put them on the roof to dry and then they put them in baskets after that's done.                                   

Did you think (or know) about the Mohave Indians and how they hunt? Well,in fact,the Mohave Indians don't hunt very much, they farmed. Their bows weren't made very well and the arrows were barely sharp. They only hunted once in a while. They probably didn't eat that much because of their crops.                                                              

        I'm going to tell you how the Mohave Indians built and used their houses. In the desert the Mohave Indian houses are there for shade and protection. The Mohave made their houses by constructing a structure with sticks and branches.Then they put about seven inches thick of mud. Then put grass and leaves over it.                       

Reza and Samar

The California Indians spoke a very fascinating language. The Mojave is an Indian tribe of the Yuman linguistic stock. Yuman is a language of the Hokan family and it is spoken by many tribes from Mexico, California, and Arizona. The Yuman language is very interesting. 

The Mojave have different variations of clothing. The Mojave woman usually wore bark skirts. These skirts are made from the inner bark of a willow tree and they are made in two pieces. There is one piece for the front and on piece for the back. Mojave men either wore nothing or they wore girdles around their waists. A girdle is a net like garment woven from willow bark. The Mojave children usually wore nothing. If the weather was cold the men and woman wore robes over their shoulders. They made blankets out of strips of rabbit skin sewn together. The Mojave have a very unusual variation of clothing.

Did you know the Mojave Indians had rafts? Though they knew how to make them they scarcely did make them. They usually swam across rivers and lakes. Kids and tools were sent across rivers in large pottery bowls.


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